My practice consists of multidisciplinary projects including garment design, textile design, styling and photography. My influence is derived from Ukrainian-born photographer Boris Mikhailov, Ukrainian artist Yulia Polyashchenko (Julie Poly), Ukrainian designer Anton Belinskiy, Kiko Kosdaninov and many others. I intend to create work that is not only versatile in its subject matter, but also in the ways that I approach it.

I enjoy exploring new techniques of garment construction and textile exploration. Using a variety of experimentation processes such as fabric manipulation, I create biomimetic pieces that emulate certain aspects of nature.This part of my practice will not be discussed in great depth when presenting three of my most current projects.

When it comes to the future development of my practice, I intend to lean towards my cultural roots and conduct more thorough investigation of Ukrainian tradition and culture. I also want to find ways in which this research will be reflected in my body of work.