Shopping Bag

Critter is the name of my third project and it is a very straight-forward idea where I intend to create a series of bags made out of Faux Fur.  The concept is based on a mini photo shoot where I will take photos of the bags as nocturnal animals such as possums, using a flash and exposing these so-called critters in different environments.

 The following photos weretake outside with bags being placed on trees, benched, sidewalks, bins etc. The aim is to make these items look like a little creatures rampaging through the streets.

Aesthetically, I was inspired by the notable painter and sculptor Meret Oppenheim and her her surrealistic work full of humour, eroticism and darkness.

I have always been fascinated by the potential of creating works that represent certain aspects of nature e.g. molecular level or creature-like shapes and forms.